Save Our Seine River Environment Inc. would like to inform our members and the public that the “Sumka Lands” are for sale once more.
"The Sumka Lands 9.3 acres of riverbottom forest is among the last remaining intact, high quality, privately-owned forests adjacent to the urban Seine River. "

Sumka Lands
The Sumka Lands are a 62.4 acre piece of property located on the east side of the Seine River immediately south of the Perimeter Highway. They are comprised mainly of agricultural lands that support a vegetable farming and greenhouse business on the uplands but also include 9.3 acres of riverbottom forest. The riverbottom forest is among the last remaining intact, high quality, privately-owned forests adjacent to the urban Seine River. The importance of preserving this forest on the Seine River Greenway cannot be overstated. The Sumka family, who own the land, have previously indicated that they will only sell the land in its entirety; they will not sell the riverbottom forest separately.
Sale History
The Sumka family put the Sumka Lands back on the market this October for a price of approximately $3.6 million. This is approximately the same price that was posted when the lands were previously up for sale in early 2022. At that time, after years of pressure from Save Our Seine, OURS-Winnipeg and City Councillor Brian Mayes, the provincial government, through Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation, predecessor to what is now Manitoba Habitat Conservancy, put together the funding necessary to make a substantial offer to purchase the entire Sumka Lands. At that time, the Sumka family turned down the offer.
Save Our Seine has been in touch with MLAs and City Councillors whose jurisdictions include the urban Seine River to seek their assistance in securing the required funding to be able to make another offer for purchase of the Sumka Lands. We also intend to contact relevant MPs with a similar request.
How You Can Help
You can help by writing or calling your City Councillor, MLA or MP indicating your support for assembling the funding needed to purchase the Sumka lands to preserve the intact Sumka forests from development.

(Example of a Riverbottom forest, which are a precious resource worth preserving)