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SOS 2024 Membership!


Support Save Our Seine by becoming a member!

In 2024 we're planning to offer more benefits and engage with our members more than ever!

SOS is a non-profit organization working to preserve, protect, enhance, restore, and repair the Seine River and surrounding greenway. We are a group of dedicated individuals, working to ensure a sustainable and protected Seine River Greenway that provides a healthy habitat for vegetation and wildlife and contributes to the quality of life of all residents and visitors. 

Becoming a SOS member is a way for residents to help us achieve our mission. SOS is an organization that values community, connecting with people through the love of the Seine, and the input of our members. 

Membership Benefits

  • Members Recognition and Information Event (March 2024) 

  • Receive our E-News with updates on our projects and initiatives

  • Advance notice on volunteer opportunities 

  • Early registration to SOS events (tours, walks, webinars, etc.)

  • Fees support SOS programs, activities, and annual operation

Provide a voice in how SOS is governed

  • Right to vote at any Annual General Meeting or special meeting of the members

  • Ability to be elected as a Board Director of SOS

  • Ability to participate in SOS Committees 

Support your community and the SOS community of members, donors, volunteers, and supporters. 

Membership Fee A membership is $20 per person, per year, active from January 1st to December 31st, non-prorated.

  • Your membership will be applied to the year during which you pay it.

  • Members will receive a tax receipt by email once the membership is paid.

  • You must be 18 years of age to be eligible for membership.


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