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Marlene St. Park Planting Success!


Saturday, June 8th & Sunday, June 9th: One weekend, 100 volunteers, 1000 trees and shrubs planted!

Over two days, nearly 100 community volunteers planted 1000 trees and shrubs at Marlene St. Park. Previously a City of St. Vital landfill site that had been decommissioned and covered, the park has a simple gravel trail and open grassy field that run alongside the Seine River at its outer boundary.

Our recent planting serves to create Winnipeg's newest urban forest and provide an extraordinary natural amenity for the Lavallee Community.

Ryan Palmquist, SOS Managing Director recently spoke to Global News about the project,

“We’re hoping that, across the board, all forms of life that co-habitat here in the city and that live in our urban ecosystem… all of them will benefit from this project,”

SOS is extremely thankful to all the wonderful and enthusiastic volunteers who came out to help put trees in the ground!

Check out news coverage of the planting:

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