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30 years of the SOS Summer River Keeper Team! (1994 - 2024)


It's the 30th anniversary of the Save Our Seine Summer River Keeper Team!

Every summer since 1994, a team of 4-5 youths, between the ages of 15-29, have been hired by Save Our Seine to tend to the Seine River and surrounding greenway.

That's 30 summers of cleaning the 26.2 km of the urban Seine River (26.2 km by paddle, 31.1 km as the crow flies), from the floodway in the South of Winnipeg, flowing through the city until it empties into the Red River at Lagimodiere-Gaboury Park in St. Boniface.

These hard working folks work from June through August, working on a wide range of duties, with the bulk of their work consisting of a few main responsibilities:

  • Removing Garbage and Debris (the 2023 team removed 107 extra large garbage bags full of trash) **See the 2023 garbage removal stats below

  • Clearing Log Jams (the 2023 team cleared 16 large log jams, keeping the river navigable for paddlers)

  • Invasive Species Management (mainly removing invasive European Buckthorn)

Without these yearly annual clean-ups, the shallow and narrow river winding through Winnipeg would soon become clogged and stagnant. The Seine River would be a very different ecosystem if it weren't for the efforts of each years team and the dedication of each member!

Thank You to all current and past Summer Team River Keepers over the past 30 years!!

If you'd like to donate to this yearly initiative, please visit our donation page and select the "Summer River Keeper Team" fund from the drop down fund menu.


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