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Past Presidents


Denis Gautron

Sought to reinforce and develop relationships with new residents, from which dedicated land care groups were established.  In respect of this, the jurisdiction of SOS River Keepers team grew in not only to clean-ups, maintenance and improvements but also in keeping 26 km of the river navigable.  Moreover, SOS celebrated its 25th Anniversary through multiple events/activities and the installation of a Rain Garden at the Corner of Fermor Avenue and St. Anne’s Road.

Denis DePape

Mr. DePape was Save Our Seine Vice-president from 2009 till 2015 and acted as president when this seat became vacant between 2012 and 2013. He continued to secure  funding for the hiring of summer staff for the River Keepers program, and also for the enhancement of the Seine River Greenway which includes the forest of Bois-des-Esprits. Worked tirelessly and  ardently with the City and the Councilor Brian Mayes in securing “reliable funding for an Executive Director so that we could significantly expand our organizational capacity.”

2015 Presentation of the Mayor's Volunteer Service Award

From Left to Right: Denis DePape (past SOS Vice-President, the recipient of the Award), Brian Bowman (City of Winnipeg Mayor), Denis Gautron (SOS past-President).


David Watson

Continued working on securing funding for Save Our Seine to cement further the corporation’s work in the enhancement of the river environment, in the creation of additional trails and additional improvements on the floodway siphon.


Tammy Rutherford

Secured funding to continue Save Our Seine’s work in enhancing and developing a network of trails.  Additionally the Management Plan for the forest, Bois-des-Esprits, came to its completion and was ultimately published in June of 2008.


Suzanne Gessler

Reinforced the role of Save Our Seine as a community-level advisory group and which contributed further in regulating the natural environment of the Seine River. Achieved the completion of the Seine River Greenway Map.


Beverly Sawchuk

Achieved numerous successful initiatives. Such as the Canadian Rivers Day Celebration; the Green Team Project; Vermette Park; and a Joint Park Planning Process with the City of Winnipeg. She also lead Save Our Seine efforts in the protection of Bois-des-Esprits.

2010 Past SOS Presidents.jpg

From Left to Right:

Bob Tinker (2nd President), Tammy Rutherford (8th President), Jules Legal (5th President), Dave Watson (9th President), Jean Dunmire (1st President), Beverly Sawchuk (6th President), Jean-Pierre Brunet (3rd President), Harold Thwaites (4th President).


Jules Legal

Worked to establish a vision for the Seine River Greenway that sought the protection of the riverbank habitat and also trails that would facilitate public-experience of the river along its whole length.  Additionally, Mr. Legal was able to obtain funding that would initiate the process for the Bois-des-Esprits Park Plan.


Harold Thwaites

To improve the health of the Riparian Zone funds were secured for the riffles project along the banks of the River.  Thus, continuing Save Our Seine efforts and campaign on improving the water levels within the Seine River.  The riffles (stone weir and/or artificially constructed rapids) aimed to enhance the Seine River's aquatic habitat, by increasing water levels; provide cooler water temperatures; increase the dissolved oxygen (DO); reduce erosion and also improve vegetation along the bank. 


Jean-Pierre Brunet

Mr. Brunet continued working on his predecessor’s legacy, by not only focusing on establishing the St. Boniface Interpretive Trail Network (which passed through St. Vital and St. Boniface and its northern section was most commonly known as "The Secret Forest" and/or "Seine River Parkway") but also in cleaning the River from the concrete blocks which were a constant impediment to the flow of water.


Robert Tinker

Save Our Seine efforts in cleaning the natural sections and areas along the Seine River continued.  However, he also initiated the process of that led to the establishment of the St. Boniface Interpretive Trail.  A trail where its audience would experience the diverse ecology that characterized more than 52 km of shoreline.

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From Left to Right:

Peggy Venables (center, in yellow) with one of the original SOS Board Member, Will Barmeier (far right).


Jean Dunmire

Ms. Dunmire was the First appointed President for Save Our Seine after it was established as an Environmental Incorporation.  During her tenure, she authored position papers to the three levels of government. Additionally, she was part of the Steering Committee (July 1994 - June 1995) that oversaw the Seine River Hydrology Study.  The first SOS Green Team was also established during her presidential years.


Peggy Venables

The Egerton Road resident, who chaired the original Save Our Seine Stewardship Committee.  A Committee which work very hard to enhance the natural environment of the Seine River.  Thus, the first ever river cleanup by the community was organized by them on October 13, 1990.  This was the roadmap that led Save Our Seine in becoming Incorporated on July of 1994.

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